Welcome to
beauty bar
Professional Hair & Body Services
Cell - 403 860 1377
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Business Hours
Tuesday to Friday 10 am - 8 pm
Saturday 10 am -5 pm
Closed Sunday - Monday
As this is a private establishment, and for security reasons,
the address is only available to booking clients.
Cosmetic Tattooing - Micropigmentation or Permanent Makeup

Micropigmentation is a revolutionary way to feel more confident in so many ways!
Not only is it used for glamour, but for correcting uneven features, such as lips, eyebrows and camouflaging unwanted scars or freckles or even adding freckles!
Have you always wanted a beauty mark by your lip just like Marilyn Monroe? It can be done!
Using topical anesthetics, these procedures can be more comfortable than you think!
Not only will permanent makeup save you time and money, it can assist those who need help in applying it - people with poor eyesight, those who have sustained an injury and find it difficult to lift their arms or simply have allergies to cosmetics.
There are many reasons to inquire about micropigmentation, if not for just for saving time and money alone.
Contact me with any questions you may have about the procedures below.
A 6-8 week touch-up is always free for assessment or correction.
Eye Brows
Eye Brows

Microblading or Fe​athering
Microblading or Fe​athering
The appearance of fine hair strokes.

Eyebrow Enhancement
Eyebrow Enhancement
Eyebrow Shading or enlarging

Head, Arch or Tail Correction​
Head, Arch or Tail Correction​
Fill in missing areas
$150 - $300

Thin Eyeliner
Thin Eyeliner
Along top, bottom of lid - or both
$250 - $300

Dramatic Eyeliner
Dramatic Eyeliner
Upper Wing

Lash Enhancement​
Lash Enhancement​
Along lash line only

Lip Liner​
Lip Liner​
Tattoo the edges of your lips making it easier to fill them in with daily lipstick or gloss.

Lip Blend
Lip Blend
When lip liner is tattooed and slightly shaded toward the center.

Full Lip Shading
Full Lip Shading
Full lip colour fill

Shape Correction
Shape Correction
Most people have uneven features, some more apparent than others.
Corrective micropigmentation can usually repair this quickly.
It can also be applied to safely enhance the size of your lips by 'busting' past the lip line, making your lips appear slightly fuller.
You may choose to only correct the outline or have your full lip shaded.
$300 - $500
Scar Camouflage (inquire for a quote)
Scar Camouflage (inquire for a quote)

Medical / Corrective (inquire for a quote)
Medical / Corrective (inquire for a quote)